Web vault version

I’d like to know if is it correct that the current latest image for bitwardenrs/server contains a web vault version of 2.15.1?

@dauntless that is correct. Its not yet released with the latest version of the vault.

Thank you for confirming. I am wondering if there is any way that I could do to separate the API server and web vault? Is the bitwardenrs/server image can be used as just the API server and then I’ll use bitwardenrs/web-vault or build my own web vault? Because it would be easier to keep web vault up-to-date and also I can do some restrictions to web vault without affecting the API server.

Upon reading again the bitwarden_rs wiki, web vault can be disabled on bitwardenrs/server. Which means I could spawn my own web-vault, then on the web vault, API URL can be set based from what I read in the official bitwarden/web-vault Github repository.

Now my new question is, for the bitwardenrs/web-vault image, are there any available environment variables that I can use to set the API URL and other necessary settings?

You can also drop the custom or pre builded web-vaults into a folder within the bw-data directory and let bitwardenrs use that folder by setting the WEB_VAULT_FOLDER variable to data/my-web-vault for example. Use data as base path because that is the main folder within the container.

You can download pre-built images here: https://github.com/dani-garcia/bw_web_builds/releases