How to know if a new image is available for update?

How would I know it’s time to update my current image when a new image is released?

Thank you.

The usual approach is to run Watchtower alongside your docker containers (it is a docker container itself) and let it manage the updates automatically.

These are the logs of my instance, which happen to include an update of bitwarden_rs today while I was on a walk:

time="2020-07-11T13:26:10+02:00" level=info msg="Found new bitwardenrs/server:latest image (sha256:94fec3bc14188b88bc0ba520927da359b0e1318f0ac2a95c451b8a50681995ae)"
time="2020-07-11T13:26:40+02:00" level=info msg="Stopping /bitwarden (d0afee6e36696afa8bac2d2fcbabbbaed87a085ac2b2672ca6c43c56a046a225) with SIGTERM"
time="2020-07-11T13:26:51+02:00" level=info msg="Creating /bitwarden"

If you prefer manual control over when to update, you can enable watching for new releases on the GitHub page.

You can also check the diagnostics page in the /admin interface which does a check if there are new releases.