How to delete an organisation in admin panel?

Hello together,

i found an old organization in the admin panel that exists not anymore in the web vault.
I tried to delete this organization in the admin panel. But i was not sure about the UUID?
Is the UUID the green number under the organization name?
When yes, somethings seems to be wrong, because with copy/paste of the green number, vw tells me, that this is the wrong number. So how can i surely delete the old organization in the admin panel?

Be sure there are no whitespace’s before or after the uuid you paste.

I just checked if there is a whitespace before or after the uuid, but there comes always:
“Wrong organization uuid, please try again”

I think vw check this uuid and will find no uuid in the database. How can i delete this uuid inside the admin panel?

Here is the code: I hide a part of the uuid.

[2023-08-03 11:00:26.110][request][INFO] POST /admin/organizations/46********f3d/delete
[2023-08-03 11:00:26.113][error][ERROR] Error saving organization.
[CAUSE] DatabaseError(
    "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed",
[2023-08-03 11:00:26.113][response][INFO] (delete_organization) POST /admin/organizations/<uuid>/delete => 400 Bad Request