How to add user to organization?

  1. The invited user has created an account in my self hosted VW
  2. With the new VW interface, I can’t seem to find where to add them to an organization

I used VW back when the interface was BW’s. Any ideas?

Goodness… switch to Admin Console using the little icon next your username on the upper right corner…

Or at the bottom left :wink:

Also, it still is the Bitwarden interface.

My bottom left is a blank, but anyway, as long as I can get the user into the system. Thank you.

If the bottom left is blank, then i suggest to update your Vaultwarden instance.

I feel so dumb, I have only 2 organizations, 3 users and 3 collections altogether, and users are part of different organizations, so I’ve done it.
But I can’t find out how to add a user to an Organization anymore, nor how to manage Collections.

I’m using 1.32.2 and Admin console just won’t show any icon on top right or bottom left.
Nor would the Bitwarden Macos desktop app or the Android app or the browser extension…

ok, forget it, I just came to understand that is NOT the admin console per se, you have to go to vault authenticate again under your owner user and finally get to a proper admin console…
I probably had to post here to be able to find by myself!

I seem to be able to get to the page to manage the Organization in the Vault, but I still cannot seem to be able to add a user to an Organiztion. I get the following error:

Data guard `Json < InviteData >` failed: Parse("{\"emails\":[\"\"],\"collections\":null,\"accessAll\":true,\"type\":2,\"permissions\":{\"response\":null}}", Error("missing field `groups`", line: 1, column: 114))