Using a password in a shell script

I have a shell script that accesses a service using a password. What would be a better idea than copying the password from vaultwarden and pasting it in clear text in the script?

The host has docker for vaultwarden so is docker secrets a possibility?

Encrypting the password with openssl into a file and putting the decryption key in clear text in the script is an idea found by googling.

Can vaultwarden encrypted json export a single entry and can a script decrypt the json file?

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I recommend Hashicorp Vault for this use case. Scriptable, secure, OS/Free software.

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Or use the Bitwarden CLI either the cli it self, or via the serve command.


I ended up using Bitwarden CLI which works flawlessly with vaultwarden. I created a new user & vault exclusively for scripting secrets to limit the attack surface.

Hashicorp Vault seems really great but the learning curve is more than I can handle.

Thanks for the tips!