Getting password data from a vaultwarden install when the web interface isn't working

Hi, I’m in charge of fixing a broken vaultwarden install for our organisation, but someone who has now left set it up. Our vaultwarden install is hosted on Azure, using Cloudflare to provide the DNS service. It seems something has gone wrong with our Cloudflare setup now, and since we have no https access to the vaultwarden install, we can’t use it. At the same time, since we can’t use vaultwarden at the moment, we can’t get into our Cloudflare account, because the password for it is stored in vaultwarden. (I can get to the login screen of vaultwarden, but it complains about no https)

I was able to retrieve the disk image of our entire server from Azure, though, and it turns out vaultwarden is running as a docker image. If I run this docker image on my local computer, I of course still can’t access vaultwarden’s passwords though, because of no https.

So, is there a way to get the data out of vaultwarden’s on-disk storage? I have all the data it could possibly want, but just no way to get the passwords out.

I’ve tried using bitwarden’s CLI tool “bw”, but I for some reason cannot log in with that – it just says invalid email or password, but I suspect it also has a problem with the lack of https.

Is this something that’s possible to do? What’s my best option here?

You could setup another instance with the backed up data where you can enable HTTPS. See also how to run run a private vaultwarden instance with Let’s Encrypt certs and if those are not an option you can also create self-signed certificates.

And, if you can, you can also run it locally on your computer in a docker container and access it via which does not have the restriction of needing https.

I tried this actually, when I try to log in, the website just hangs the login button has a loading symbol on it.
I’ll try setting up a new instance today