It is not documented. Best way would be to use a browser and use the Developer Console (F12) and see what calls it does.
An other option would be, and that might be a better solution for you is to use the Bitwarden CLI, which has a built-in API Server.
See: Password Manager CLI | Bitwarden Help Center
Hey, sorry for reviving this old post. I am trying to automate new user invitation with the Vaultwarden API. How do you find the token to authenticate?
let me chime in here… I installed vaultwarden server, screated separate user that will store only secrets, and dumped API key.
On the linux machine i installed bw cli, but in case i want to auth agains vaultwarden server i have to provide
client id & client secret
master password
afterwards BW_SESSION is returned
so to automate abovementioned 3 steps, i have to dump client id, client secret and master pass to some file, unlock bw and receive and store BW_SESSION
Once attacker compromise machine he can simply dump / access all my secrets, correct?
One more question - how long is active BW_SESSION, or whats the expire timeout?
Is there any reason to use “serve” command to be able to pull data from vault? Whats the benefit … as i can pull it using bw cli?
Any chance how to make this more secure?
I want to store inside vaultwarden passwords to my restic repository, i dont wanna store these inside env file … bc so many repositories so it might be a mess.
I am new to vaultwarden. So please correct me, if I am wrong.
If you want to fully automate a bw cli session, there is no way around storing secrets on the disk. I would never store my master password unencrypted, so I decided to write a script which requires manual authentication/unlock but automates everything else I need. It stores BW_SESSION in a bash variable.
I don’t know if there is an expiration, it will be active until you invoke lock or logout.
The serve command provides a REST api, so the benefit is not that you can do more in general, but that it provides a standardized interface.