Admin page update Web

Good evening,

today i logged in in the /admin page and saw there is a update in the web installed.
Web Installed Update
Web Latest

how i can update this?


Hello @daschmidt94,

Depending on how you installed it, you either need to update the docker container.

Or update it manual via downloading the release page on:

But most users probably only need to update the docker container.

thanks for your replay.

Here is a screenshot from my adminpanel the version from the docker is 1.17 only the web must update but i don’t know how

Ah, there is a new testing version available, which makes use of the latest web-vault.

This indeed a bit confusing.
Ill see if i can make that a bit more clear.

You can either pull the testing version from docker, or still do a manual update of the web-vault. But the latter is mostly not recommend.

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thanks that was a little bit confusing for me.