Website Icons missing (resolved...)

I have successfully switch to BitwardenRS…
…except for website icons that are missing.
This is true both for my imported entries and any new entry

Is it me ? did I miss something
(…and yes the parameter in the user interface is unset correctly)

Is there a way to force a “refresh”?
Thanks for any hint

Hello @Michel,

Nice to see all is working, but strange that the icon’s are not.
Could you try the following and go to https://<>/icons/ while replacing <> with your own domain. That should show you the github icon, if not, then please check the log file for any errors.

Could also open the dev tools in your browser to see what its saying when trying to load the images, this is usually opened by pressing F12 with the browser open and then loading the page. in the console tab errors should post, the network tab will usually show responses to posts and gets and could show you more details as well.

Hi BlackDex,

When using the proposed url it does display the (same) default icon

In the log all seems normal:

still puzzled…

Good shot!!!

In the Chrome dev console I have:

Websocket Error
WebSocketTransport.js:86 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://XXXXXXXXXX.XX/notifications/hub?access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1ODU3MzQwMjAsImV4cCI6MTU4NTc0MTIyMCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQzLnNhYmFtaW1pLmZyfGxvZ2luIiwic3ViIjoiZTllODlmMWItMGEwYS00MmRhLThjOTctZTc1ZTc2YzIzOWI5IiwicHJlbWl1bSI6dHJ1ZSwibmFtZSI6Ik1pY2hlbCIsImVtYWlsIjoibWljaGVsLmFza2VuYXppQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjp0cnVlLCJvcmdvd25lciI6WyJiYjEzMDkzZS0yYWY3LTQ4N2EtYWJlNi0zOGVjNWU4M2YwZmMiXSwib3JnYWRtaW4iOltdLCJvcmd1c2VyIjpbXSwib3JnbWFuYWdlciI6W10sInNzdGFtcCI6IjRm…2NS1iYzU4LWYyYzdkYTI5MDNhNiIsImRldmljZSI6IjA2MjM5MzZmLTI3ZmQtNDU1Yi1hMmFhLThhZDg3YWU4M2M1MSIsInNjb3BlIjpbImFwaSIsIm9mZmxpbmVfYWNjZXNzIl0sImFtciI6WyJBcHBsaWNhdGlvbiJdfQ.BWse_MjIlbmwr4g0rFVeMD1ABAni9xoIb_Gw4gSmMzzfWN3Jm2IduYYW8Eca2iDZuRRjsvLsdjzjIOH209HzIyMOxtFo3OLxVqs-q8FmJFeXhU32-Q6GGiHJTyZpT2pYYgxMFrvMBZEG5TE5c2wG9bsMyMX-BGel994PSW_fO45R6W1fI84X8jwHZ2YvRgDJb31Vfecq6eAuGrgOZ3YkQlvgsV7Q4ch-tOIbptDdpxj1urGd-g-a98DNhImEUxGoY8SXhBUXTJ-bVNvHByE1yCn0QSW-2s4LeI2yNcecxsrULaavnj7pWgKl-1Ts6gFWDBvyK5KOcr_1Mv4ksTWG7w’ failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
(anonymous) @ WebSocketTransport.js:86
Utils.js:198 [2020-04-01T09:40:22.308Z] Error: Failed to start the connection: Error: There was an error with the transport.
e.log @ Utils.js:198

Funny…all the rest is fully functional …

More information on my config:
I have an Haproxy reverse proxy setup.
Haproxy is handling the ssl handshake and forwarding the request to the docker container backend.
This configuration worked perfectly with the original Bitwarden
the only modification I did to switch to BitwardenRS was to use the different backend.
(if that can help)

@Michel The icons do not go through websockets.
Could you check your /bw-data/icon-cache/ directory.
You can clear everything there, which will trigger all the icons to be downloaded again.

The folder icon_cache is empty.

That is strange, as it should at least contain missed items if it couldn’t download icons.
Could you increase the LOG_LEVEL to debug, and try the icon URL again?

Where is that LOG_LEVEL ?

Sorry …found it in the wiki

Log_level = debug

I have also those websockets errors in the logfile

Kinda looks like you have DISABLE_ICON_DOWNLOAD on true.

this is my docker compose definition:

version: “2”
image: bitwardenrs/server:latest
container_name: bitwarden
- ADMIN_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx
- LOG_LEVEL=debug

  - /sharedfolders/AppData/bitwarden:/data
  - 8900:80
restart: unless-stopped

could DISABLE_ICON_DOWNLOAD be defined elsewhere?

Thank you!
I found “disable_icon_download”: true,
in the config.json
(not my doing…)

I will correct and let you know.

If it is in the config.json it has been altered via the /admin interface.

unfortunately I changed it in the json file before i saw your post.
restart docker-container
then I look in the admin panel and found

…but still no icons …

OK they start to appear slowly…
Sorry about it it was most probably my bad in the admin panel then
Thanks a lot for you reactivity and help !

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