Vault Timout on Web Browser

I have the Bitwarden app running in Forefox. I have the Bitwarden desktop app running on Debian Linux. My BitwardenRS docker container is running on my local server.

Signing into the server via the web browser, in settings and options is Vault Timeout. By default it is set to 15 minutes. I change it to Browser Refresh but it doesn’t stay. If I close the tab and reopen the vault from the browser again, it will default back to 15 Minutes. As long as I leave the tab open, the setting will remain.

None of the other apps change their settings.

This has something to do with the browser extension.
That is not something we maintain or develop.

It’s better to ask your question here:

or report and issue here:

I disagree.

I apologize for the way I had to post the images but the forum blocked me every which way I turned.

Is this not BitwardenRS? Accessed via the web browser?

As you can see every time I re-login the vault timeout is reset to 15 minutes.

See Link Above ^

This is the desktop app, working fine. Settings remain unchanged upon logout and re-login.

See Link Above ^

This is the browser extension, working fine. Settings remain unchanged upon logout and re-login.

See Link Above ^

Are you saying the Firefox browser extension is interfering with the local server BitwardenRS settings?

Nope, that has nothing to do with bitwarden_rs it self.
We use the official upstream web-vault from
Those specific settings there are stored in browser memory and not sent to the server at all.
So nothing we can change or fix.