SSH in bitwarden 2024.12.0

Hi there! Bitwarden 2024.12.0 added support for SSH keys, with new type for vault items and new ss-agent.

Currently, it isn’t possible to create the ssh item types on vaultwarden. It would be great to have it!

You are incorrect. Read the release notes :wink:

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I already did read the release notes, and added EXPERIMENTAL_CLIENT_FEATURE_FLAGS=ssh-key-vault-item,ssh-agent to my env, but I’m still unable to create ssh keys in macOS Bitwarden client 2024.12.0. Am I missing something?


No, you are not missing anything. It currently seems to not being supported/working on macOS.

See: SSH Keys · dani-garcia/vaultwarden · Discussion #5158 · GitHub

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Indeed, I confirmed it works on a Windows VM. Thanks

What should this look like? I’ve enabled:


in my config (server 1.32.6) and am running the desktop client 2024.12.1 but don’t see a way to add SSH keys. Is it supposed to appear as a Type when adding a new item?