Error at migration from sqlite to postgresql

After testing vaultwarden using sqlite, I want to migrate it to postgresql

I follow Using the PostgreSQL Backend · dani-garcia/vaultwarden Wiki · GitHub

However pgloader does not work, I get message :

2023-11-25T13:16:39.007837Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.3~devel"
2023-11-25T13:16:39.088623Z LOG Migrating from #<SQLITE-CONNECTION sqlite:///usr/jails/vaultwarden/usr/local/www/vaultwarden/data/db.sqlite3 {1007B16903}>
2023-11-25T13:16:39.088781Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql:// {1007B16983}>
FATAL error: pgloader failed to find anything in schema "public" in target catalog.
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
   pgloader failed to find anything in schema "public" in target catalog.

What I am doing here?

pgloader failed to find anything in schema "public" in target catalog.

pgsql pgsql://vaultwarden:<password> works (ie. I get a connection to database). Database, user and grants where done following the page.

If someone has info about this…

Edit : I run on FreeBSD, and 3.6.3 is the latest version of pgloader I can find. Is it worth using a backup of sqlite DB to populate from a debian host with pgloader 3.6.10 ?

Error found. DATABASE_URL was not correctly set in the vaultwarden configuration, thus schema was not correct

I’m glad you solved it and shared it with the rest of the world. My friend had a similar issue, and I just saw your post! Thanx a lot!