Does bitwarden_rs convert existing db?

It isn’t obvious if this will convert an existing bitwarden database. Or do I need to do an export/import for each user?

If you mean a bitwarden database from the official service, no there’s no way to convert the data, the data structure is different enough that this would be quite hard to do bug-free.

Exporting each users data and downloading all attachments is the only way to migrate at the moment.

@dani, sorry, already asked a similar question here: Migrate from official hosted and licensed bitwarden (docker) server to bitwarden_rs.

Can you please advise what’s the best approach to migrate the logins linked to an organization in official bitwarden DB?

Should I move them all to an account, export account data, then import account data to bitwarden_rs and then create/share with new organization?


Organizations also support exporting all entries, it’s in the tools tab from inside the organization. You might need to be admin or the owner to do that though.