Hello there,
I would like to automatize the recovering of my homelab so I wish to handle the creation of tmy admin account to Ansible, is there any possibility to provide the credentials through the docker configuration? Or maybe with using API ? Moreover, it will be handsome if I can automatize the import of my vault secrets directly through Ansible.
Thanks to anyone who can help with theses questions.
I’m not sure if this is possible but I am also unsure that I understand what you are trying to do
What do you mean by automatizing the recovering of your homelab? Do you mean Vaultwarden or another service?
What admin account to you want to create?
And what secrets do you want to import? Do you mean to import a Bitwarden json backup in a newly created account? Or do you mean something different?
Personally I’d recommend creating and restoring a backup of the persistent data instead of using ansible as disaster recovery tool:
If that’s not what you want you could checkout the Bitwarden CLI if it helps (I don’t think that it supports creating accounts though), but if your objective is not about recovering Vaultwarden but actually using the secrets from Vaultwarden it could be that you actually want the capabilities of the Secrets Manager (which we don’t support because its code not licensed under a free and open source license).