Admin Token (Invalid)

Running docker-compose, on the :latest tag

Set ADMIN_TOKEN=test_token in the docker-compose file. I can see that the container environment has it set.

When I try to login, though, I get this error:

Error: Invalid admin token, please try again.

I suspect this is because there’s a config.json file hanging around from previous changes? But I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone know the location of the config.json file, or any other reason I might be getting this error?


The default location for the configuration file is data/config.json. So the location will depend on your volume/bind mount. The location can also be changed by setting either the CONFIG_FILE or the DATA_FOLDER environment variables. Cf.

btw: The logs should tell you if you are using a config.json that overwrites the ADMIN_TOKEN.

[INFO] Using saved config from `data/config.json` for configuration.

[WARNING] The following environment variables are being overridden by the config.json file.
[WARNING] Please use the admin panel to make changes to them:

Another reason you get this error is that you could have mistyped it.