Vaultwarden Web Site keeps loading

Hello everyone, I need a little help.
I set up Vaultwarden on my Synology NAS with Container Manager, everything went fine, and the Container is running. However, when I am trying to access the Site, it just keeps loading. I tried clearing Cache/Cookies but that didn’t help.

I am however able to access the Admin Panel without any issues. I am not sure where the issue is?

This is what the Protocol looks like:

2025/01/29 11:44:54 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:54.886][response][INFO] (admin_page) GET /admin/ => 200 OK
2025/01/29 11:44:54 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:54.882][request][INFO] GET /admin
2025/01/29 11:44:50 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:50.696][response][INFO] (users_overview) GET /admin/users/overview => 200 OK
2025/01/29 11:44:50 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:50.681][request][INFO] GET /admin/users/overview
2025/01/29 11:44:40 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:40.213][response][INFO] (post_admin_login) POST /admin/ application/x-www-form-urlencoded => 200 OK
2025/01/29 11:44:40 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:40.160][request][INFO] POST /admin
2025/01/29 11:44:31 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:31.296][response][INFO] (admin_page_login) GET /admin/ [2] => 200 OK
2025/01/29 11:44:31 stdout [2025-01-29 10:44:31.296][request][INFO] GET /admin
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout [2025-01-29 10:33:33.169][start][INFO] Rocket has launched from
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout --------------------------------------------------------------------/
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout
2025/01/29 11:33:33 stdout /--------------------------------------------------------------------\

Here is my Support String:

Your environment (Generated via diagnostics page)

  • Vaultwarden version: v1.33.0
  • Web-vault version: v2025.1.1
  • OS/Arch: linux/x86_64
  • Running within a container: true (Base: Debian)
  • Database type: SQLite
  • Database version: 3.46.0
  • Environment settings overridden!: false
  • Uses a reverse proxy: false
  • Internet access: true
  • Internet access via a proxy: false
  • DNS Check: true
  • Browser/Server Time Check: true
  • Server/NTP Time Check: true
  • Domain Configuration Check: false
  • HTTPS Check: false
  • Websocket Check: true
  • HTTP Response Checks: true

Config & Details (Generated via diagnostics page)

Show Config & Details


  "_duo_akey": null,
  "_enable_duo": true,
  "_enable_email_2fa": false,
  "_enable_smtp": true,
  "_enable_yubico": true,
  "_icon_service_csp": "",
  "_icon_service_url": "",
  "_ip_header_enabled": true,
  "_max_note_size": 10000,
  "_smtp_img_src": "***:",
  "admin_ratelimit_max_burst": 3,
  "admin_ratelimit_seconds": 300,
  "admin_session_lifetime": 20,
  "admin_token": "***",
  "allowed_connect_src": "",
  "allowed_iframe_ancestors": "",
  "attachments_folder": "data/attachments",
  "auth_request_purge_schedule": "30 * * * * *",
  "authenticator_disable_time_drift": false,
  "data_folder": "data",
  "database_conn_init": "",
  "database_max_conns": 10,
  "database_timeout": 30,
  "database_url": "***************",
  "db_connection_retries": 15,
  "disable_2fa_remember": false,
  "disable_admin_token": false,
  "disable_icon_download": false,
  "domain": "****://*********",
  "domain_origin": "****://*********",
  "domain_path": "",
  "domain_set": false,
  "duo_context_purge_schedule": "30 * * * * *",
  "duo_host": null,
  "duo_ikey": null,
  "duo_skey": null,
  "duo_use_iframe": false,
  "email_2fa_auto_fallback": false,
  "email_2fa_enforce_on_verified_invite": false,
  "email_attempts_limit": 3,
  "email_change_allowed": true,
  "email_expiration_time": 600,
  "email_token_size": 6,
  "emergency_access_allowed": true,
  "emergency_notification_reminder_schedule": "0 3 * * * *",
  "emergency_request_timeout_schedule": "0 7 * * * *",
  "enable_db_wal": true,
  "enable_websocket": true,
  "enforce_single_org_with_reset_pw_policy": false,
  "event_cleanup_schedule": "0 10 0 * * *",
  "events_days_retain": null,
  "experimental_client_feature_flags": "fido2-vault-credentials",
  "extended_logging": true,
  "helo_name": null,
  "hibp_api_key": null,
  "http_request_block_non_global_ips": true,
  "http_request_block_regex": null,
  "icon_blacklist_non_global_ips": true,
  "icon_blacklist_regex": null,
  "icon_cache_folder": "data/icon_cache",
  "icon_cache_negttl": 259200,
  "icon_cache_ttl": 2592000,
  "icon_download_timeout": 10,
  "icon_redirect_code": 302,
  "icon_service": "internal",
  "incomplete_2fa_schedule": "30 * * * * *",
  "incomplete_2fa_time_limit": 3,
  "increase_note_size_limit": false,
  "invitation_expiration_hours": 120,
  "invitation_org_name": "Vaultwarden",
  "invitations_allowed": true,
  "ip_header": "X-Real-IP",
  "job_poll_interval_ms": 30000,
  "log_file": null,
  "log_level": "info",
  "log_timestamp_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f",
  "login_ratelimit_max_burst": 10,
  "login_ratelimit_seconds": 60,
  "org_attachment_limit": null,
  "org_creation_users": "",
  "org_events_enabled": false,
  "org_groups_enabled": false,
  "password_hints_allowed": true,
  "password_iterations": 600000,
  "push_enabled": false,
  "push_identity_uri": "",
  "push_installation_id": "***",
  "push_installation_key": "***",
  "push_relay_uri": "",
  "reload_templates": false,
  "require_device_email": false,
  "rsa_key_filename": "data/rsa_key",
  "send_purge_schedule": "0 5 * * * *",
  "sendmail_command": null,
  "sends_allowed": true,
  "sends_folder": "data/sends",
  "show_password_hint": false,
  "signups_allowed": false,
  "signups_domains_whitelist": "",
  "signups_verify": false,
  "signups_verify_resend_limit": 6,
  "signups_verify_resend_time": 3600,
  "smtp_accept_invalid_certs": false,
  "smtp_accept_invalid_hostnames": false,
  "smtp_auth_mechanism": null,
  "smtp_debug": false,
  "smtp_embed_images": true,
  "smtp_explicit_tls": null,
  "smtp_from": "",
  "smtp_from_name": "Vaultwarden",
  "smtp_host": null,
  "smtp_password": null,
  "smtp_port": 587,
  "smtp_security": "starttls",
  "smtp_ssl": null,
  "smtp_timeout": 15,
  "smtp_username": null,
  "templates_folder": "data/templates",
  "tmp_folder": "data/tmp",
  "trash_auto_delete_days": null,
  "trash_purge_schedule": "0 5 0 * * *",
  "use_sendmail": false,
  "use_syslog": false,
  "user_attachment_limit": null,
  "user_send_limit": null,
  "web_vault_enabled": true,
  "web_vault_folder": "web-vault/",
  "yubico_client_id": null,
  "yubico_secret_key": null,
  "yubico_server": null

I checked my Browser too, and it gives me the following:

console-log.service.ts:53 Unhandled error in angular Error: Could not instantiate WebCryptoFunctionService. Could not locate Subtle crypto.
at new useClass (web-crypto-function.service.ts:17:13)
at Object.i [as factory] (r3_injector.ts:620:25)
at Bn.hydrate (r3_injector.ts:492:33)
at Bn.get (r3_injector.ts:341:23)
at Xe (injector_compatibility.ts:79:36)
at Je (injector_compatibility.ts:111:40)
at nt (injector_compatibility.ts:327:17)
at Object.i [as factory] (r3_injector.ts:620:41)
at Bn.hydrate (r3_injector.ts:492:33)
at Bn.get (r3_injector.ts:341:23)
write @ console-log.service.ts:53
zone.js:2317 Error: Could not instantiate WebCryptoFunctionService. Could not locate Subtle crypto.
at new useClass (web-crypto-function.service.ts:17:13)
at Object.i [as factory] (r3_injector.ts:620:25)
at Bn.hydrate (r3_injector.ts:492:33)
at Bn.get (r3_injector.ts:341:23)
at Xe (injector_compatibility.ts:79:36)
at Je (injector_compatibility.ts:111:40)
at nt (injector_compatibility.ts:327:17)
at Object.i [as factory] (r3_injector.ts:620:41)
at Bn.hydrate (r3_injector.ts:492:33)
at Bn.get (r3_injector.ts:341:23)

Any solution to this? I just stood up a net new container and I’m running into the same issue with the same console log in my browser

Hey, so I tried a couple of things. What worked for me is switching to an older Build. So running it on 1.32.7 works fine for me.

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