Hi I was trying to automate bitwarden_rs installation in a container and noticed it took an hour to compile (likely due to the age of the laptop). I saw that the repo does have github actions that build binaries however these are not uploaded to the release.
So i was able to use the github apis and find the url for the binary to download (you have to get workflow run metatdata, then the artifact metadata to finally get the url) however using that url I get HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. It seems that the action artifacts are not public.
curl https://api.github.com/repos/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/actions/artifacts/20980815/zip
"message": "You must have the actions scope to download artifacts.",
"documentation_url": "https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/actions#download-an-artifact"
It would be great if the binaries were uploaded along with the release, like with the patched versions of the web vault.