Update 1.19.0-dad1b1be to 1.19.0-7436b454

Hi all,
I tried to update from 1.19.0-dad1b1be to 1.19.0-7436b454, but I have this bug :
I don’t use Docker, I builded my binaries.

Executing migration script 20210311190243/up.sql
[2021-03-15 11:08:37.249][bitwarden_rs::util][WARN] Can’t connect to database, retrying: DieselMigError.
[CAUSE] QueryError(
“You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NOT NULL,\n password_hash BLOB,\n password_salt BLOB,\n password_iter ’ at line 11”,

I have no idea where it come from or what I can ido ?
Thansk for the help,

Sorry for my English, I’m French. :grin:

There seems to be a bug which we need to fix. Please wait until a new version is pushed to docker

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As a follow-up, it has been fixed in the latest testing tagged docker image.

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