Unable to login from new devices


I had setup my self hosted vaultwarden account successfully and have a folder which has all my information. I had also enabled 2 step verification, however the app I had signed on for authenticating recently got uninstalled by mistake and I had to reinstall it.

I am unable to scan the bar code and setup the authenticator. Now I am unable to login to my vaultwarden without the 6 digit authenticator code required with my 2 step verification.

However I am able to use my bitwarden mobile app and bitwarden desktop app in my macbook pro successfully as I was already logged in. My browser extensions are not working anymore. Any help to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

I also did not save the recover key when I enabled 2 step verification.

You can remove all 2FA in the /admin panel.

Unfortunately I am not able to login to the admin panel as it is asking for the 6 digit verification code.

I also tried deleting my account but I am unable to do it. I backed up all the sql db files in hope that I can recover by creating a new docker container and would be able to import the sqp db files

I am currently only able to login via my mobile app and a desktop client. Both of them don’t have admin panels

That should not be the case unless you added an additional authentication layer. Have you read the linked wiki page? In the users overview you can disable the 2FA for your account. If you don’t want to enable the /admin page you can also mess with the database directly to deactivate it but in general I would not recommend that.