Share password between multiple authentication entires


How can I share the same password between multiple authentication entries?
i.e. Atlassian products can share the account information between their sites but not the multi-factor authentication, therefore it’s not possible to use the same entry for multiple URLs.

  • Jira - Username: Au Password: Ap 2FA: b
  • Confluence - Username: Au Password: Ap 2FA: c
  • BitBucket - Username: Au Password: Ap 2FA: d
    Other linked services:
  • Grafana - Username: Password: Ap 2FA: -
  • Kibana - Username: Au Password: Ap 2FA: -

All shares the same username but with different formats, all share the same password, all have different 2FA codes. If one place the password is change everywhere is changed as some sort of integration works in the background.
In a company environment, I found such cases where the login is more or less shared between different services like a single credential authentication. Still, the 2FA code is different for all the services.
The question can I somehow share (add a reference to another field from another entry) or tell the vault to use the same password from A entry in B entry so when I change it it changes everywhere? (i.e. KeePass have such called “Add field reference”)