Session expires immediately on login

Recently set-up a fresh Bitwarden_RS instance (compiled image myself, not docker), and when logging in, my session expires immediately. I get a 200 on /api/accounts/prelogin and /identity/connect/token, logs show a succesfull login for my user. Then I get a 401 on /api/sync?excludeDomains=true and logs show [auth][ERROR] Unauthorized Error: Invalid claim . This is with version 1.16.3 and webvault version 2.16.1 (webvault is the distributed release, not compiled myself) with postgresql backend. Host details: debian buster in a ProxmoxVE LXC Ct. I tried reverting to version 1.15.0, webvault 2.14.0 and sqlite backend, to mimic a working setup on a debian buster lxc on a raspberry pi 4, to no avail.

SOLVED as marked in