“Offline” Online access

Hi, I have VW running locally and it works as expected when I’m home or connected to my VPN. The phone apps works fine when in airplane mode, but if I open it while I’m online away from home without logging to my vpn I loose access. Is there a way to set the client up to keep the cached vault when it can’t reach the server? I worry I might get to a place that somehow bans vpns (hotel? Corporate guest networks) and will be unable to check my passwords.


Not sure what you mean by “lose access”, but if you mean that your client gets logged out, that shouldn’t happen unless your server is configured to block off-VPN addresses with an HTTP 401 or 403 error:

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Thanks! That should be it, when I’m not on a vpn I’m getting a 403 response from a reverse proxy.

I’ve disabled the 403 response and I’m now able to use the cached version of my vault. thanks again @jjlin