How do i configure the Bitwarden Firefox extension for My own Bitwarden_RS-server?

Hi, I don’t know if this has been asked before, but i can find no way to configure the Bitwarden Firefox-extension to get it to work with my own Bitwarden_RS-server. How do i do that? Thank you.

This is covered here:

EDIT: Thank you, found it! This is for the app, that i have now working. Great! :slight_smile:
Is there a way to use the firefox-extension/plugin in Windows with Bitwarden-RS? This was my initial question.

Well, I am on macOS. When I install the standard-Bitwarden addon, I get the following view:

Once I click the gear on the upper left, I get the following:

There I may enter a custom URL

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That was it! i had to completely remove the add-on from Firefox and then reinstall it, but then the little gear appeared. Apparently, that is the only moment that you can choose a self-hosted install. If you just click okay and continue, then there’s no option to alter it afterwards. You have been a wonderful help here. Thank you! :+1: :smile: