[FIXED] Running on Raspberry PI with mySQL

Hi All,

I try to run bitwarden_rs on a raspberry pi, but don’t get it working.
I try to run this command but get an error:

docker run -p 8005:80 -v bitwarden:/config -e RUST_BACKTRACE=1 -e DATABASE_URL=‘mysql://user:pass@host:post/database’ -e ENABLE_DB_WAL=‘false’–name bitwarden --restart always bitwardenrs/server:raspberry

I get this error:

Error loading config:
DATABASE_URL is meant for MySQL or Postgres, while this server is meant for SQLite

Unfortunately, no one’s managed to get that build working yet:

I just sent a PR for this. After some hard debugging and tracing i got it working for all current arm versions we build for sqlite already. The docker images will be multidb, so sqlite, postgresql and mysql will all be supported. First this PR needs to be merged, and after that it will take a while before the testing tagged docker images will be available.

New builds with the testing tag are available right now.
A new tagged version release will be available shortly.

You can find these releases here: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitwardenrs/server