What I did:
- restored my db.sqlite3 database from my duplicity backup
- stopped the bitwarden container
- mv db.sqlite3 db.sqlite3.current
- copied the restored database into the right folder as db.sqlite3
- started bitwarden container again
- logged in, copied the note i deleted a while ago
- stopped container
- deleted the database
- mv db.sqlite3.current db.sqlite3
- started container again
- tried to login to the webinterface
→ 502 bad gateway
container log:
[2021-10-19 11:54:12.200][panic][ERROR] thread ‘main’ panicked at ‘Failed to turn on WAL: DatabaseError(__Unknown, “database disk image is malformed”)’: src/db/mod.rs:275
Can anyone help me to get my current live state of the database working again?