2FA codes off sync on windows brave browser

I have vautlwarden running 24/7 on a raspberry pi in docker
i have the bitwarden client installed on mobile devices and laptop using the bitwarden browser extension.

currently i am locked out from the windows because the generated 2fa code are invalid. i am not able to login to proton nor any other site that requires 2FA.
fortunately the codes generated on the mobile devices work.
can someone explain what happens on the laptop why the codes generated are invalid.
i synced the vault but the codes are still not valid.

The time on your system is probably out of sync. It needs to be in sync with NTP. If there is a skew of more then 30 seconds (or less, depending on how far off your time is) then the codes will not match.

it works in both the linux boot (as i dual boot) and in the mobile app.
the linux and the mobile do not have the same time but they have the same codes.

when i boot to windows. the mobile and the windows have the same time but the codes on windows are different. and therefore invalid.

Since you dual boot might want to set Windows to use UTC, cf

Also you can check your device’s clock with services like time.gov or uhr.ptb.de.

I went the opposite direction and told linux to leave the RTC in local TZ. The PC is primarily used for Windows so it can do its normal thing. The warning that linux gives when choosing this is not meaningful if Windows is booted frequently and manages DST adjustments.
Useful article about this.