We run vaultwarden in kubernetes with /data being snapshoted every night.
However, this is the live db-files beeing snapshoted, and should preferably be a dump.
To ease with the dumping of the DB’s, it would be nice if sqlite3 was included in the official image. This would make it possible to run a scheduled job in k8s using the same image as vaultwarden itself.
Would including sqlite3 in the image be reasonable?
Alternatively, extend the functionality of the existing backup button in /admin, and make it possible to dump the sqlite3 db on a schedule.
This works because pod anti-affinity forces the cronjob to create the pod on the node that vaultwarden is running on. RWO PVCs are able to be mounted to another pod on the same node.
I would also like sqlite3 to be included in the docker image so I can run: docker exec vaultwarden sqlite3 data/db.sqlite3 ".backup '/$backup_target/$backup_filename-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M').sqlite3'"
It would make life a lot easier to have this included by default in the image rather than on the host.
For completeness;
I didn’t want to include another dependency into our k8s deployment of vaultwarden, thus I ended up with creating a k8s CronJob using the same image and mounts as vaultwarden itself. Injecting a backup.sh using a configMap into the cronJob-pod along with the ADMIN_TOKEN-secret as a file. I then replaced the default startup command with backup.sh.
The backup.sh file looks like this;
set -euo pipefail
echo "Fetching cookies"
curl -v --silent -X POST --cookie-jar "${COOKIE}" \
--form "token=@/path/to/ADMIN_TOKEN" \
http://bitwarden-service/admin/ > /dev/null
echo "Triggering backup"
curl -v --silent -X POST --cookie "${COOKIE}" \
http://bitwarden-service/admin/config/backup_db > /dev/null
rm "${COOKIE}" || true
echo "List all backups in '${BACK_DIR}';"
ls -ltrh "${BACK_DIR}"/db_*.sqlite3 || true
echo "Removing old backups;"
find "${BACK_DIR}/" -maxdepth 1 -name "db_*.sqlite3" -mtime +10 -print -delete