Enable Yubikey 2FA

Hello, I am trying to enable my Yubikey 5NFC for use on a desktop PC.
I’ve read most of the past help topics on here and reddit regarding Yubikey and Vaultwarden.
I am self hosting in docker, I registered the YK on their site, I have a client ID and secret key, I updated the fields in the VW admin page and saw that they were written to config.json. I also updated the .env to enable YK with the correct information. I am not using Docker-Compose. I’ve also read that config.json will load variables and ignore the .env settings.

Do I need to logout of VW, delete the container and rebuild it to see the changes and be prompted for the YK 2FA?

**EDIT - I resolved the issue by leaving blank the variable YUBICO_SERVER=
For some dumb reason I thought my self-hosted https domain was the YK server, I took that out and it works good.

Thank you.