502 Bad Gateway

Hey everyone. I’ve got Bitwarden installed on Home Assistant and am using Nginx Proxy Manager for HTTPS. The software installed fine and the cert is valid. Problem is when I go to the URL I’ve setup in DNS it connects but I only get the 502 Bad Gateway message. Looking at the Nginx logs I get this.

2020/04/23 17:22:07 [error] 635#635: *270 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: bitwarden.myserver.com, request: “GET / HTTP/2.0”, upstream: “”, host: “bitwarden.myserver.com

Any idea what I’m missing here? Thanks.

Can you try accessing the IP and port directly? Does that work?

Hi. Yes, if I use the internal IP and port I can connect to it. Thanks.